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Doing more c-sections saves more mothers and babies

January 12, 2016

A new study published in JAMA last week challenges the 30 year old “rule” that a hospital’s target c-section delivery rate should be less than 10 to 15%. For years it has been argued that there is no medical need for the increasing rate of c-section deliveries and doing more c-sections was argued to lead to problems for mothers and babies.

However, this very recent study found that a c-section rate of about 19%, significantly higher than the old target rate, was actually associated with the best levels of survival for both mothers and babies.

If you or your baby suffered an injury from a military doctor’s failure to do a c-section or delay in performing a c-section, please contact our military birth injury lawyer for a free confidential consultation: 1-877-695-8757

*Relationship Between Cesarean Delivery Rate and Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, Molina, et. al., JAMA. 2015;314(21):2263-2270

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