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Birth Injuries

Babies Should Sleep In Same Room As Parents During First Year

October 25, 2016

The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling for infants to be kept in their parents’ bedroom at night for six months to a year in order to lessen the risk of sleep-related death.  The new recommendations say babies should sleep in the same room as their parents on a separate Read More

$4.25M settlement for failure to treat pre-eclampsia resulting in the death of twins before birth

August 26, 2016

A judge refused to seal the records of a $4.25 million medical malpractice settlement.  Judge Terrence Nealon rejected a defense request to keep the settlement secret, finding that the public’s right to know outweighed concerns defense attorneys raised that release of the information would discourage hospitals and physicians from settling Read More


August 4, 2016

ZIKA VIRUS A THREAT TO PREGNANT MILITARY MEMBERS CNN confirms that 41 military members stationed overseas have contracted the Zika virus-double the number of cases reported just last month. Those diagnosed with Zika include a pregnant soldier and seven military dependents. In pregnant women, the effects can be devastating, and Read More

Gender discrimination prevents baby brain injured during birth at a military hospital from getting compensation: U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case

February 27, 2016

The Supreme Court will soon consider whether to correct a serious example of gender discrimination in the military. Air Force Capt. Heather Ortiz went to a military hospital ready to give birth to her child. Just before delivery, a series of errors by hospital staff caused her blood pressure to drop, Read More

Doing more c-sections saves more mothers and babies

January 12, 2016

A new study published in JAMA last week challenges the 30 year old “rule” that a hospital’s target c-section delivery rate should be less than 10 to 15%. For years it has been argued that there is no medical need for the increasing rate of c-section deliveries and doing more Read More

Medical Malpractice Is Tragic Pattern in Military Hospitals, NYT Report Finds

March 31, 2015

While military hospitals are often the sites of medical malpractice and medical mistakes, these mistakes are rarely scrutinized and reported, a recent New York Times investigation has found. According to this study, researchers have reportedly uncovered the facts that: Military hospitals consistently have had higher rates of malpractice and resulting Read More

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