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Death in Childbirth

Mental health disorders are a leading preventable cause of maternal death – doctors need to help!

February 28, 2024

It is important that providers caring for pregnant women, and mothers during the post-partum period, screen for and treat mental health disorders. Why? Mental health and substance use disorders are a leading preventable cause of maternal death. Look at these scary statistics from Lifeline for Moms (https://www.umassmed.edu/lifeline4moms/why-perinatal-mental-health): * 1 in Read More

Memorial Day 2022

May 29, 2022

Remembering and giving thanks for those who have given their time, talents and even their lives to protect us, on this Memorial Day, and every day.

Don’t blame a mother for her own death!

April 15, 2019

From another USA TODAY article in the series investigating childbirth complications in America: “For years, hospitals have blamed rising maternal deaths and injuries on problems beyond their control. Almost universally they’ve pointed to poverty and pre-existing medical conditions as the driving factors in making America the most dangerous place in Read More

Death in childbirth

October 8, 2018

Our last post linked to stories of women who survived terrible medical mistakes during childbirth due to doctors and nurses not following simple steps to detect and stop hemorrhaging after birth, or not recognizing and treating high blood pressure during pregnancy, during birth or in the time right after a Read More

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