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Military Birth Injury

Mental health disorders are a leading preventable cause of maternal death – doctors need to help!

February 28, 2024

It is important that providers caring for pregnant women, and mothers during the post-partum period, screen for and treat mental health disorders. Why? Mental health and substance use disorders are a leading preventable cause of maternal death. Look at these scary statistics from Lifeline for Moms (https://www.umassmed.edu/lifeline4moms/why-perinatal-mental-health): * 1 in Read More

Every year 795,000 American patients die or become permanently disabled after being misdiagnosed by health care providers

July 26, 2023

Each year, an estimated 795,000 American patients die or become permanently disabled because they are being misdiagnosed by health care providers, according to a report published recently in USA Today. The top conditions that are misdiagnosed? ◾Stroke ◾ Sepsis ◾ Pneumonia ◾ Blood clots ◾ Lung cancer These five conditions Read More

Memorial Day 2022

May 29, 2022

Remembering and giving thanks for those who have given their time, talents and even their lives to protect us, on this Memorial Day, and every day.

No doctor should get away with pushing bad advice

December 20, 2020

In an interesting opinion piece in the NY Times, ” We Must Do More to Stop Dangerous Doctors in a Pandemic,” the writer stated that doctors should realize that their advice is, in effect, a form of medicine. He argued that doctors who provide outrageous advice that is far outside Read More

Happy Holidays!

December 20, 2020


Do you know your hospital’s childbirth complication rate?

April 1, 2019

Last week we posted about USA Today’s efforts to publish “secret” data about the rate of severe complications during childbirth at hospitals around the country. Here is the link to their findings in the only 13 states that would release the data. This data does not include any military hospitals Read More

Doctors are experimenting on pregnant women

January 10, 2019

Doctors often have no choice but to experiment on pregnant women without knowing whether their treatments will help, or harm, the mother and/or her unborn baby.  Pregnant women are usually excluded from medical research, because scientists are understandably concerned that experimenting on them could hurt them or their fetus.  According Read More

Saving Twins and Triplets – preventing stillbirths

December 10, 2018

In 2011, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) established guidelines covering the additional care that should be offered to women with twin and triplet pregnancies above that routinely offered to all women during pregnancy. It aimed to reduce the risk of complications and improve outcomes in the mother Read More

Fear of litigation & the decision to perform C-sections

November 18, 2018

A headline describing the results of a recent study read: “[f]ear of litigation is a key factor in decision to perform C-sections.” However, when reading the report published by the study’s authors, the conclusion was actually that the clinicians’ personal beliefs were the major factor that influenced the decision to Read More

Lifesaving tips for a safer birth

October 15, 2018

This is the final post following the USA Today series about maternal deaths in America.  After exhaustive research to find out why women die in childbirth in America at a rate greater than in any other developed country, USA Today put together some life-saving tips to help patients, reproduced in Read More

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