September 20, 2019
From the American Association of Justice – The Faces of Feres:
Rebecca Lipe, a former Air Force judge advocate general, was left with debilitating abdominal pain, and permanent damage to her reproductive organs after wearing ill-fitting body armor during a 2011 deployment in Iraq. Initially, doctors accused her of having an extramarital affair and contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Later, the military medical providers committed a series of medical mistakes, and Rebecca underwent additional unnecessary surgeries. The ordeal would consume her health and family for years to come. Eventually, Rebecca saw doctors in a private civilian practice who diagnosed her with injuries connected to her ballistic gear worn during deployment. The civilian doctors were able to correct eight areas of damage along her abdominal wall, attempting to reverse the unnecessary medical treatment Rebecca received by the military medical providers. Much of the damage was however irreversible. The Feres Doctrine prevented Rebecca from being able to hold the military medical providers accountable.
There is finally hope for a change, but we need your help. We ask our men and women in uniform to risk their lives protecting our rights, not to risk their lives in the hospitals when receiving routine medical care. Please reach out to your Members of Congress and urge them to support keeping the Feres Doctrine Med Mal Fix in the final version of the NDAA.
You can do this by telling your members of Congress to protect the rights of those who are protecting ours by visiting You can send an email to your members of Congress or tweet at them through the link. Use the hashtags #unfairFeres and #SaveStayskal. This injustice has gone on for far too long.
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