July 11, 2018
Failure of doctors or nurses to wash their hands can result in deadly infections for patients. Photo source: nobeastsofierce/adobe.stock.com
According the CDC, “nightmare bacteria” with unusual resistance to antibiotics were found more than 200 times in the United States last year. They cause illnesses that “verge on untreatable infections” where the only option may be supportive care — fluids and machines to maintain life to give the patient a chance to recover, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The problem mostly strikes people in hospitals and nursing homes who need IVs and other tubes that can get infected, which once again emphasizes that hand washing and other infection control procedures must be meticulously done by doctors and nurses caring for these vulnerable patients.
If you or a family member developed an infection while hospitalized at an Army, Navy or Air Force hospital, and you think it may be because of poor hand-washing or infection control procedures by the doctors or nurses, please contact us. You may call us at 1-877-695-8757 (24/7), e-mail us at LawHelp@MilitaryMedicalMalpractice.com or fill out the short form on the right side of this page.
Source & to read more: https://nypost.com/2018/04/03/drug-resistant-nightmare-bacteria-pose-growing-threat-cdc
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