October 19, 2018
An article from the New York Times revealed disturbing facts that: “research on disparities between how women and men are treated in medical settings is growing — and it is concerning for any woman seeking care. Research shows that both doctors and nurses prescribe less pain medication to women than men after surgery, even though women report more frequent and severe pain levels. And a University of Pennsylvania study found that women waited 16 minutes longer than men to receive pain medication when they visited an emergency room. Women are also more likely to be told their pain is “psychosomatic,” or influenced by emotional distress. And in a survey of more than 2,400 women with chronic pain, 83 percent said they felt they had experienced gender discrimination from their health care providers.”
If your diagnosis was delayed, especially if you are a woman in a military healthcare setting, you may be a victim of healthcare discrimination and we can help. You may call us at 1-877-695-8757 (24/7), e-mail us at LawHelp@MilitaryMedicalMalpractice.com, or fill out the short form on the right side of this page. All consultations are free and confidential.
Source & to read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/03/well/live/when-doctors-downplay-womens-health-concerns.html
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