Brown Law LLC intends to comply with all legal and ethical requirements in this Website. This Website is provided for informational purposes only but may constitute attorney advertising in certain jurisdictions. It also contains reports of selected case results. Results and/or awards depend upon a variety of factors unique to each representation and prior awards do not guarantee any result in future matters. A description or indication of limitation of practice, or membership in any legal society does not mean, unless otherwise stated, that any agency or board has certified such lawyer as a specialist or expert in an indicated field of law practice, or that the quality of legal services provided is greater that those provided by other lawyers. No information on this Website can be used to avoid penalties under the Internal Revenue Code.
Brown Law, LLC represents military families in military medical malpractice claims throughout the United States and overseas under federal law (FTCA and MCA), where admitted, in association with local counsel, and/or on a pro hac vice basis as required by the relevant jurisdiction.
To the extent that the professional responsibility rules of any jurisdiction require designation of a principal office or an attorney responsible for this Web site, Brown Law LLC designates its office in St. Paul, Minnesota (USA) and its managing partner, Anne E. Brown.
DISCLAIMER: An attorney-client relationship with us cannot be formed by transmission or receipt of the information on this Website and any information you send in an e-mail message to this website will not make you a client. We reserve the right to decline any representation for any reason. This Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice. You should not act or rely on any information in this Website without seeking the advice of a lawyer