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Most children who get their tonsils removed, do not actually need the surgery

November 6, 2018

Unnecessary tonsil removal can harm children.  Photo credit: @DmitryNaumov-stock.adobe.com

A study reported today exposed shocking statistics about children who have their tonsils removed: 7 out of every 8 surgeries are unnecessary. In the population studied that equaled 32,500 children who underwent needless tonsillectomies. Perhaps worse yet, most of the children who actually needed to have their tonsils taken out, were not given the surgery.

“Our research showed that most children who had their tonsils removed weren’t severely enough affected to justify treatment, while on the other hand, most children who were severely enough affected with frequent sore throats did not have their tonsils removed.”

Studying the children who the researchers felt needed the surgery but didn’t get it, delivered the final blow to the wisdom of performing this common childhood surgery. The study found that even in the children who qualified for the surgery and got it, there was little benefit, and those that did not get the surgery got better on their own over time.  The conclusion: “Children may be more harmed than helped by a tonsillectomy.”

If your child suffered an injury or died due to a tonsillectomy at an Army, Navy or Air Force hospital, we can help.  For a free, confidential consultation call us at 877-695-8757 (24/7), e-mail us at LawHelp@MilitaryMedicalMalpractice.com or fill out the short form on the right side of this page.  There is no fee unless we get a recovery for you.


Source & to read more: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181105200727.htm

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