A baby may suffer a lack of oxygen during birth for many reasons. The umbilical cord could be around the baby’s neck, the baby’s head may be too big to fit through the mother’s pelvis, the mother’s contractions may be too strong or coming too close together because of too much Pitocin. The placenta may be injured or too “old” because the mother has gone past her due date.
Whatever the reason, a lack of oxygen during birth can cause severe brain damage to a baby resulting in cerebral palsy, seizures, and other devastating injuries. If your baby suffered a lack of oxygen during birth at an Army, Navy, Air Force or other U.S. military hospital anywhere in the world, we can help you. Contact us today for a risk-free, confidential consultation from an experienced military birth injury lawyer and protect your child’s right to compensation.
Military Birth Injury Help Line: 1-877-695-8757. Calls answered 24/7.
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