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Newborn Screening Errors

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Newborn screening saves babies lives- but only if done correctly!

Newborn screening errors

Every state requires that newborn babies be screened at birth for a variety of disorders. This is done by a simple heel stick to get a few drops of blood from your baby before he or she is discharged from the hospital. This simple newborn screening test has dramatically reduced the incidence of brain damage, life-long disability and death from conditions such as PKU and galactosemia.  However, if not done, tested or reported correctly, babies with these diseases can be missed and suffer brain damage. Our lawyers handle newborn screening cases, no matter where in the process the negligence occurred.

If your baby suffered injury due to malpractice during the newborn screening process at a military hospital, our lawyers can help. Please  contact us today for a free, confidential, no risk consultation from an experienced military medical malpractice lawyer.

You may call us toll-free at 1-877-695-8757 (24/7), e-mail us at LawHelp@MilitaryMedicalMalpractice.com or fill out the short form on the right side of this page.  There is no fee unless we get a recovery for you.

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