December 10, 2018
In 2011, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) established guidelines covering the additional care that should be offered to women with twin and triplet pregnancies above that routinely offered to all women during pregnancy. It aimed to reduce the risk of complications and improve outcomes in the mother and infants. In a recently published paper, the study authors reported that in those facilities where the NICE guidelines were used, there had been a nearly 50 per cent fall in twin stillbirth rates. Despite the dramatic results, however, not all women and their twins and triplets will benefit, because funding for implementing the changes will soon run out.
As explained by one researcher, “hundreds of babies’ lives could be saved and potentially thousands prevented going into neonatal care, but progress is at risk because funding . . . is due to end on March 2019.”
If you had a stillborn baby, or your baby suffered serious injuries during pregnancy and/or birth at an Army, Navy or Air Force hospital, we can help. Contact us by phone or e-mail (see below) for a free case evaluation by our experienced military medical malpractice nurse-attorney or by filling out the short form on the right side of this page.
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Source & to read more:‘little-room-for-complacency’-over-fall-in-twin-stillbirth-rates.aspx
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