August 26, 2016
A judge refused to seal the records of a $4.25 million medical malpractice settlement. Judge Terrence Nealon rejected a defense request to keep the settlement secret, finding that the public’s right to know outweighed concerns defense attorneys raised that release of the information would discourage hospitals and physicians from settling malpractice cases in the future. The settlement resolved a 2011 lawsuit Jo Ann Page filed against Moses Taylor Hospital as well as individual doctors in connection with the March 2, 2009, death of her twins, Kylee and Chloe. The lawsuit alleged doctors failed to properly monitor Ms. Page for preeclampsia — a serious medical condition characterized by high blood pressure. Ms. Page suffered a seizure, which caused the placenta to detach from her uterus. The babies, who were at 33.4 weeks’ gestation, were stillborn.
If you or your baby suffered an injury because military doctors of mid-wives failed to timely diagnose or treat your pre-eclampsia, call our Birth Injury Helpline at 1-877-695-8757 for a free, confidential consultation. Calls are answered 24/7. You may also send us an e-mail at or fill out the form on this page.
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