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Shoulder Dystocia And Erb’s Palsy

Image of a baby with shoulder dystocia

If the military doctor pulled too hard after your baby’s shoulders got stuck during birth, there could be a permanent nerve injury called Erb’s palsy.

Sometimes a baby’s head is successfully delivered but then the shoulders, which can be much wider/bigger than the head, get stuck. This is a life-threatening emergency for the baby because once the head has been delivered, the baby is no longer able to get enough oxygen. Every minute that goes by before the shoulders can be dislodged puts the baby at greater risk for brain damage and death.

Doctors and midwives are trained to carefully follow certain steps to safely deliver a baby whose shoulders get stuck. If, however, the delivering doctor or mid-wife panics, does not follow the required steps, and/or pulls too hard on the baby’s head, they may cause a serious injury called Erb’s palsy. Erb’s palsy results in partial to compete paralysis of the baby’s arm.

For a free, confidential consultation for your shoulder dystocia and Erb’s palsy case that happened at a Navy, Air Force, or Army hospital, please contact us today.  We offer a free confidential consultation with an experienced military birth injury lawyer.  There is no fee if there is no recovery for you.

Military Birth Injury Help Line: 1-877-695-8757.  Calls answered 24/7.

Military Birth Injury e-mail: LawHelp@MilitaryMedicalMalpractice.com

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