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Military Hospitals

Military Hospital Malpractice  – There is Help

Free healthcare should not mean bad healthcare

Just because the military provides “free” health care for you and your family, does not mean you can be treated poorly or that there is no help if a military doctor or military nurse commits malpractice.  Military healthcare providers are held to the same standard of care as a civilian doctor or nurse.   Although the process of obtaining justice through the legal system for  medical malpractice at a military hospital is different than if you had been injured in a civilian hospital, if the injured person is a military dependent, he or she can recover compensation from the United States.

Filing a claim for malpractice against the United States can feel like a David and Goliath situation – but over the past 30+ years we have been able to tackle the government giant by carefully preparing each case, supporting each case with top quality medical experts, and making sure each case is presented in the strongest possible way.  Most often, a meritorious case that is presented well will result in a fair settlement.  In those few well-supported cases where the government refuses to settle, the same principles we abide by in all cases- excellent preparation, strong medical-legal support, and aggressive but ethical advocacy- will give you the best chance of success when you are before a federal judge at trial.

We have successfully tried and settled cases occurring at military hospitals all over the United States, Germany, Italy, and Japan, as well as other military bases around the world. Some of the practice areas we cover include:

Standing Up for Victims of Medical Malpractice at Military Hospitals

While courageous men and women like you work tirelessly to protect our country’s freedom, we work tirelessly to stand up for your rights and get you the justice you deserve.  The law firm of Brown Law has the advantage of:

  • An experienced attorney working with you face-to-face through the duration of your case, no matter where you are stationed

  • The knowledge and expertise of over 30 years  experience in fighting for military families

  • An impressive track record of successful recovery

Act Today to Protect Your Rights

All military medical malpractice claims (even those for babies and children), have a short and strict time limit.  Contact Brown Law to make sure your rights are protected today. Simply fill out and submit the online form on this page, e-mail us at LawHelp@MilitaryMedicalMalpractice.com, or give us a call toll-free at 1-877-695-8757 (24/7) for your free initial consultation today. At Brown Law we promise to:

  • Aggressively advocate for your rights

  • Relentlessly pursue financial recovery

  • Charge you no fees unless financial compensation is won

  • Handle your claim in a way that will not jeopardize your military career

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